Thursday, May 19, 2011

Compare not with Others.

You can rid yourself of unnescessary worry and trouble simply by not comparing yourself with others. As long as you regard others as your "equal", "superior" or "inferior", you will have intolerance and restlessness. If you do not adopt sich an attitude, there is nothing for you to worry about. If you think you are higher than others, you may become proud. If you think you are second to none, others may descend on you. If you think you are inferior, you may lose your own self confidence.
     For most people, it is very difficult to subdue their pride. It is advisable to learn how to reduce one's pride. If you are able to sacrifice your pride, then you can find your inner peace. You can harmonise yourself with others so as to experience peace and happiness. Which is more important to maintain your pride or peace of mind?
     Try to realise that equality, inferiority, and superiority are all changing relative states: you may be poor now but at another point of time you may be rich. Today you may be ignorant, later however you can become wise. Today you may be sick and unhappy but given time you will probably be healthy again. However, there are many intangible human qualities which are regarded as mankind's heritage - human rights, human dignity, human status etc. Others have no right to deprive you of them.

"If you are good to yourself, you are good to others. If you are good to others, you are good to yourself."

Happy Married Life

In a true marriage, man and woman think more of the partnership than they do of themselves. Marriage is a bicycle made for two. A feeling of security and contentment comes from mutual efforts. Impatience and misunderstanding are responsible for most family problems. A wife is not her husband's servant. She deserves respect as an equal. Though a husband has the bread winner's duties, helping out with household chores does not demean a husband's masculinity. At the same time, a nagging and grumpy wife is not going to make up for shortages in the home. Neither will her suspicion of her husband help to make a happy marriage. If her husband has shortcomings, only tolerance and kind words will get him to see light. Right understanding and moral conduct are the practical side of wisdom.
    Marriage is a bleesing but many people turn their married lives into a curse. Poverty is not the main cause of an unhappy married life. Both husband and wife must learn to share the plesure and pain of everything in their daily lives. Mutual understanding is the secret of a happy family life.